So many of you have been requesting a new blog post. So I will post one. Halloween is upon us. And I could really care less. Halloween is something I don't enjoy. I just don't see the fun in running around telling people to give you candy or else you'll trick them. Plus haunted houses. I just don't like being scared I guess. Call me stupid and a scardy cat all you want. I just prefer sitting at home watching 30 for 30s on Netflix and eating a bag of Conns potato chips. And if anyone comes to my door on trick or treat, if they dare I will sneak out the back door and scare the living snot out of them while holding a air soft AK-47 and wearing a Jason Voorhees mask. I do like the costume part though. I may be dressing up as stefon from Saturday Night Live. If you don't know who that is google him and watch some clips on Hulu. Pretty funny character. If not I think I'll just go as an Angry Bird. If I don't blog again until then Saturday is Ohio State Penn State. Two sanctioned teams, this game means absolutely nothing. Braxton Miller after looking like he snapped his vertebrae in half will play this weekend. Plus Ohio State basketball starts on the 30th. The buckeyes start the season ranked 3rd. Well that's it for this blog. Blah blah Facebook blah blah button. So bye
So you could probably guess if you had to what I am going to blog about based on what is all over the news, Hurricane Sandy. One of the biggest storms of the century, has claimed 29 lives, including 10 in New York City according to mayor Michael Bloomberg. Most of it has passed the seaboard and is moving up through New England. Marietta is experiencing 30 mph winds. We are in the midst of a winter storm that had collided with Hurricane Sandy. The middle of the storm is expected to hit us some time tonight, and possibly may bring 1-3 inches of snow. A national state of emergency has been declared in West Virginia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and more. The wind chill is taking the temperature down at least 5 degrees. Currently at 2:40 PM it is 33 degrees and will stay at 33 and eventually drop below freezing according to the Weather Channel and The National Weather Service. I may blog again later tonight about our position with the winter storm in fall that is approaching, please stay tuned
I wasn't planning on blogging today, but I just thought I would go on a short rant here. Which I love to do if you read this blog a lot. These Political ads. My god. I have been home for 3 hours and have watched TV for probably an hour and a half. I'm half watching the news, and it is ALL POLITICAL ADS. I have only seen one regular ad and it was for the Home Depot, WHICH WE DON'T EVEN HAVE. I understand there is one in Parkersburg, but still. I even saw one on Nickelodeon. Why? Are you seriously going to spend $500,000 on putting an ad on Nickelodeon, that may be viewed by the 5% of american parents who watch TV with their toddlers? And the worst thing is, they are ALL FOR WEST VIRGINIA. I have seen this freakin' Joe Manchin coal friendly commercial 17 times in the last two days. I thought "oh, were close to the Election, most people have decided who they are voting for, this will probably be the end of these ads." BUT NO. I was watching a little part of the news. And the entire commercial break was, Joe Manchin, Josh Mandel, and Barack Obama spent money on closing a coal mine, or Mitt Romney refused to donate money to a Coal Company or whatever. I think like only 10% of Americans are undecided, so can we have 90% less political ads? (Do the math). Well I can't think of anything mean to say anymore. If you want a good laugh, search Tom Hanks drops f bomb on Good Morning America. He just was reciting a line from a movie, and forgot to leave out the f word. That's it for this blog, check out the facebook page by clicking the button in the top left hand corner, if you haven't already, like it. Now, do it now. Yes right now. So, bye.
It is Monday. Boy is it a Monday. I have homework in all four academic subjects. I don't understand why we need to have the most homework on Monday? Like we will all be tired from staying up on Saturday like I did when in stayed up until 4:30 AM, and fell asleep while watching Talladega Nights. Why not Wednesday or Thursday? Tuesday we will still be annoyed by Monday, and Friday is Friday. I can't believe the band has already started Christmas music. You know what we need is some Thanksgiving music. All we have is Turkey in the Straw. This is why we jump into Christmas so fast is because Thanksgiving isn't festive enough. We put out an inflatable turkey, eat. AND THE VERY NEXT DAY, go Christmas shopping. It's not that I don't like Christmas, because who doesn't. But I really like thanksgiving. So try to be more festive this Thanksgiving. Maybe we won't have to jump into Christmas so fast like everyone hates. Look at me talk about jumping into holidays to fast when we haven't even hit Haloween. Shame on me. I'm dressing up as an Angry Bird I think. The Humane Society is going to get a lot of stuff from us. I might just bring a leash, and attached to that leash. Would be a stuffed dog, named Bill. Well that's it, check out the blogs Facebook page by clicking the button in the top left hand corner, if you haven't already, LIKE THE DANG PAGE OR I'LL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND CHOKE YOU WITH A HAIRDRYER. So, bye.
So it is Friday, and tonight is Senior Night. But something I noticed is that I have gotten a lot more visitors to this site than I thought I had. I have gotten 83 different visitors to this site in one week. So that makes me feel good that people may either enjoy or want to make fun of this website, I don't care. This is my first mobile blog, yes I am blogging from my iPhone while sitting in the parking lot of Phillips Elementary School. My brother had a field trip today. You know what I just realized? The current Marietta 8th grade hasn't had a field trip since the 5th grade! My brother is in the fifth grade. 6th grade COSI not enough chaperones, 7th grade Columbus Zoo, not enough people signed up. We just need to go. The only three things that may count as a field trip are two years of going to Cedar Point with the Band and Choir, and YES Day. We have like on planned field trip per year, in grade school we had like a field trip every other week. I guess school just gets more boring once you hit Middle School. Speaking of the Middle School is getting a new flag pole out by the blacktop. It's actually going to have benches and shrubs around it and everything. But do we really need to spend money on all that? Our school is in debt as it is. I can understand the flag pole, but 20 new shrubs, two 10 foot long brick planters, probably 100$ of mulch, and 6 new benches. You know how much textbooks and computers we could buy with all that money? And maybe, just throwing this out there. A better computer router? So our Internet isn't down every other day. Schools need to better spend their money, like a school in Texas spent $750,000 on a new football stadium. You could buy a new school for that money! Anyway, thanks for reading. Checkout the new Facebook page by clicking the button in the top left hand corner. Like it if you haven't already. So, bye.
So the vice presidential debate is tonight between Congressman Paul Ryan and Vice President Joe Biden. Not as many are to be tuning in to the debate. With good reason. Neither really know what they are doing. Biden is Obama's cooky right wing man who talks to much, and Paul Ryan can't agree with Mitt Romney on anything. All I got to say is, if your watching SNL this weekend, don't be surprised if you see some Paul Ryan and Joe Biden on the new episode this weekend, hosted by Christina Applegate. Anyways. I heard that the SWAT was at Justin Bieber's house after a gunman was spotted outside his home. THE ENTERTAINMENT NEWS REPORTS. The E. Most reliable sources like NBC, say this was part of the practical joke chain called swatting, where a fake SWAT team acts like they are infiltrating your house to arrest you. But unluckily for either the gunman or the SWAT team, Justin Bieber was out on tour. I think I'm going to go with the swatting theory. You'd think that that person would know that Justin Bieber was out on tour. So I usually rant a lot about shows on TV. The full hour of Modern Family was on. Then at 10, I watched this show called Chicago Fire on NBC. You've seen all the networks try to make shows out of Police and Fire departments. But this one was really good. It started out with a fireman climbing a ladder, then going into a burning house and he dies. It then evolved into that fireman's best friend trying to move on. Then this new guy shows up named Alex Mills to take his place. He is the laugh of the station and is thrown under the bus for being the new guy. But then he is the hero of an accident, after he finds and tackles the driver involved in a hit and run. In which a small girl was injured. These two women revived her by clearing blood from around her heart. Then, there is a fire in a warehouse, during which two fireman fall through four stories of the warehouse and land on the bottom floor, one of the fireman, who was the friend of the one who just died earlier, is okay. But the other gets too much smoke in his lungs, and is taken to the hospital, then life-flighted in a helicopter, to a better hospital. The episode ends with that fireman in surgery, and the rest of the station in the waiting room. I give this show 9 out of 10 stars. So yeah, good TV on right now, I never did catch that Animal Practice, and I think it's already been bumped back two time slots, out of primetime. Check out the new Facebook page, by clicking the button in the top left hand corn
So it is Saturday, so it is Game Day. Ohio State and Nebraska. Ohio State comes in ranked 12th, while Nebraska is ranked 21st. B1G day for Urban Meyer, as this is his first home Big Ten game as an Ohio State head coach. Last week Ohio State defeated Michigan State by a score of 17-16. Ohio State was lead by Braxton Miller, who was 16 for 23 with 179 yards and a touchdown. Also a 1 yard rushing touchdown came from Jordan Hall, who is listed doubtful for a knee injury. Ohio State was able to hold Michigan State to 34 yards rushing. Which is a big key if they want to win today, considering Nebraska runs a Spread Option attack. Braxton Miller also had 136 yards rushing on 23 carries. Miller accounted for 82% of Ohio State 383 yards of offense. (315 yards) Averaging 33.6 points a game, and only giving up 17.0, Ohio State looks strong going into todays matchup. But Nebraska averages about 44 points per game, Ohio State's defense will have to be great. Their run defense. Nebraska is 5th in the country in rushing yards with 305.8 rushing yards per game. Lead by QB Taylor Martinez, and HB Ameer Abdullah. Abdullah has 486 yards on 79 carries (6.2 yards per carry) while Martinez has 298 yards on 50 carries (6 yards per carry). But Ohio State was able to hold Michigan State running back Le'veon Bell to only 45 yards per carry, and he has almost as many yards rushing as Abdullah and Martinez combined. Nebraska runs outside, so Ohio State corners Travis Howard and Bradley Roby will have to be able to make every tackle if Ohio State wants to win. Those two are the two leading tacklers with 18 and 22 tackles respectively. Ohio State is 3 point favorites in this game. I say that Ohio State with the deep threat of Devin Smith, and the versatility of Braxton Miller, wins this game 30-21. Tonights game is at 8:00 EST on ABC.
So yeah, I started a blog. You said I wouldn't do it, but here I am. HERE I AM. (rock you like a hurricane). The Presidential Debate was Thursday. It frustrated me a whole lot because I wasn't able to watch Modern Family. I mean, why does it have to be on 4 NETWORKS? I understand NBC and FOX, but when did ABC start to care about politics? Sometimes I watch ABC just to get away from all the campaign commercials. I don't care whats on. Jersey Shore could be on for all I care. Well maybe not. And 4 networks really? And since there is usually 2 stations per network around here for different city's news, that means it was on 8 CHANNELS. Not even counting CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, CSPAN2,  and FOX NEWS. Thats 13 channels, wow 13, explains a lot. Come on! I just want to watch Modern Family and go to bed. Speaking of Modern Family, did you see that new show thats after Modern Family, The Neighbors? Awful, just plain Awful. Aliens for neighbors? That sounds like a Dr. Seuss book for crying out loud. I couldn't get through 5 minutes of that god awful show. Remember when Parenthood was funny? It used to be a comedy. Hard to believe. Now it's turning into Secret Life of The American Teenager.  I just try to avoid NBC after 9:00, unless it's Saturday, because then SNL is on. By the way, Daniel Craig is hosting this week. He is the new James Bond. I heard that the new James Bond theme song is from an Adele album. Can Hollywood not come up with any new ideas? I mean they are already remaking James Bond, or it could be a sequel, like Tron Legacy. Everyone thought it was a remake of the original Tron. But it was a sequel. It was a bad sequel, not a bad movie, but a bad sequel. There was no foreshadowing from the first Tron to Tron Legacy. But you have to cut them some slack, considering that Tron Legacy was made 28 years after Tron. But anyway, back to James Bond. They couldn't even write an original theme song? How many Spidermans are we at like 15? And Batman I heard is getting another Trilogy, this time it will have Robin. When was the last time Hollywood got a new fresh idea, man, if it weren't for Pixar, the movie industry would be dead, and we'd all be off playing Call of Duty. Well I guess I should end this rant off. I will try to blog tomorrow, if I remember, so, bye.


    So This is my blog, yeah, enjoy, or don't what do I care

