So many of you have been requesting a new blog post. So I will post one. Halloween is upon us. And I could really care less. Halloween is something I don't enjoy. I just don't see the fun in running around telling people to give you candy or else you'll trick them. Plus haunted houses. I just don't like being scared I guess. Call me stupid and a scardy cat all you want. I just prefer sitting at home watching 30 for 30s on Netflix and eating a bag of Conns potato chips. And if anyone comes to my door on trick or treat, if they dare I will sneak out the back door and scare the living snot out of them while holding a air soft AK-47 and wearing a Jason Voorhees mask. I do like the costume part though. I may be dressing up as stefon from Saturday Night Live. If you don't know who that is google him and watch some clips on Hulu. Pretty funny character. If not I think I'll just go as an Angry Bird. If I don't blog again until then Saturday is Ohio State Penn State. Two sanctioned teams, this game means absolutely nothing. Braxton Miller after looking like he snapped his vertebrae in half will play this weekend. Plus Ohio State basketball starts on the 30th. The buckeyes start the season ranked 3rd. Well that's it for this blog. Blah blah Facebook blah blah button. So bye
10/25/2012 05:13:15 am



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    So This is my blog, yeah, enjoy, or don't what do I care

