I didn't blog in January in observance of national bath safety month. More people are hurt in bath tubs than sharks! I am back for the first time in 2013! So what happened since I last blogged in December. Alabama won the National Championship in a landslide over Notre Dame. And Notre Dame's Manti T'eo got trolled my some guy who had a crush on him. And the NHL is back! Yes the NHL is back. Though most of you probably don't care. I am loving this 48 games in 4 months. You turn on TV and there is always a game on. The Penguins aren't off to a good start though. 4-3. Marc Andre Fleury hasn't been good. But newly signed goaltender Tomas Vokoun is on fire. I won't talk about the NHL much, considering you don't watch it. The big issue in the country right now is gun control. I went on an extreme rant about Sandy Hook, but that doesn't mean I want to let Obama take all the guns. I think we should ban most automatic weapons, and limit the magazines. And step up the background check on guns not just on the person buying the gun, but the ones the person buying the gun's family and closest friends. That's just my opinion. Sorry if I offended you. But something needs to be done. For my next topic. I will discuss Super Bowl XLVII. The Harbowl. Ravens vs. 49ers. As a loyal Steelers fan let me tell you my position on this Super Bowl. I don't want the 49ers to win because the Steelers are the only team with 6 Super Bowls, and the 49ers have 5. And I don't want the Ravens to win because I am a Steelers fan, and therefore hate the Ravens. So I am hoping for a 0-0 tie. But I think it will be 28-20 49ers. But I'd rather the Ravens win. So yeah this is a very conflicted Super Bowl for me. But it is pretty cool that John Harbaugh and Jim Harbaugh are coaching against each other. It just makes you wonder like what if one of their very distant relatives were killed before they had children. They wouldn't be alive, who would be the coaches? And, who else famous wouldn't be alive? Just think about that. That's it for this blog. So, bye.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am blogging from Linchberg, Virginia on my way to Colonial Williamsburg. We are in Linchberg because we stopped at Thomas Jefferson's summer home "Poplar Forest". Last year when we went to Williamsburg we stopped at Monticello before going to Williamsburg. Monticello is the home of Thomas Jefferson. Poplar Forest was Jeffersons summer retreat. He inherited the land from Martha Jefferson's father, and built the house in 1803. He started living in it in 1806, and continued to travel there until 1823, when his health limited him to travel the three day, 93 mile horse ride from Monticello to Poplar Forest, he died 3 years later in 1826. It's amazing how much Poplar Forest resembles Monticello. Jefferson would have a lot of guests, and would sometimes go to Poplar Forest to escape them. They weren't guests like we have, that would come for the evening. Jefferson's guests would stay for weeks at a time. At one point, a governor resided in Monticello for a month. So Thomas would like to go here to be by himself. There is today's history lesson, more coming each day on my trip. So if you like The American Revolution stuff, keep checking, if not, go look at the funny stuff on my site. So, bye
Well I haven't blogged in a while, so I thought today would be a good day. A lot has happened since my last blog. The shooting in Newtown Connecticut shook the U.S. and the world. I want to start off by saying R.I.P. to all the children who's lives were taken last Friday. To quote President Barack Obama "18 children who could've changed the world. They had their lives ahead of them, school, childhood, graduation, children of their own." One of the worst things I've ever had to live through. That man who I will not name, took away lives, freedom, and a peaceful state of mind from all of us who attend school. It seems like all week I've walked by a window and couldn't not look out and make sure that I was still safe in my second home. The families of those children can never live through Christmas without thinking of the family member they have lost. For all of us who feel disturbed by this heartless act of violence, I can't even imagine how the families of those children. That school can never be looked at again, and never the less be taught in again without thinking of that man, who walked into the school, with an intent to kill, all the innocent teachers and children. Their only intent was to once again be among friends, and go home. And a man took it all away. The next time you hate your school,. think about how lucky you are. Lucky that it wasn't your school. Lucky that hopefully you will never have to experience this first hand. Lucky that you all of a sudden will have to run for your life, and possibly lose a friend along the way. The next time you hate our little town of Marietta, think about how Newtown must feel. A town similar to ours, now in the international spotlight for the worst reason possible. So be glad for what you have, because some had that take from them last weekend. Do something nice, hold the door open, say hi to someone you don't know. The families in Newtown have to live with a cloud over their head for ever. Prayers to Newtown. To end this off, here is a little poem. "Oh no, not again it happened just the other day, happened. Please why this again. We've seen it, just seen it. Precious angels just why learning lessons, dreaming big dreams, many years ahead, now just memories, mothers we cry for you. Fathers out hearts do break. Brothers, sisters. Many questions, few answers. Spirits of beauty, soar up above. Sweet souls, now gone."
So I have been getting some complaints about not blogging, so I thought I should do so at 12:45 AM on Sunday Morning. So I have a lot to catch up on, Ohio State 12-0, and Ohio State lost to Duke. Which reminds me, Tigers Middle School Basketball has begun. I have has fun at the last few games. On Saturday The 8th Grade boys team beat Little Warren 53-26, and 8th grade girls beat Meadowbrook 54-7 I think. Either way The girls held Meadowbrook scoreless through 2:57 in the 3rd quarter. And now to today's news. Johnny Football, Johnny Manziel, and now Johnny Heisman. First freshman to win the award. And if I were Archie Griffin, I'd be worried about that "Only Player to Win 2 Heismans" award. But Manziel is a redshirt freshman. I don't know which would be more impressive, winning the Heisman as a true freshman, being your first year in the FBS, or a redshirt freshman, a year after everyone thought you weren't good enough, you win the Heisman. Anyways, North Korea is attempting to shoot a missile into space, to try to get a satellite up there. 'Merica has moved four warships into position in case it goes like North Korea's LAST satellite attempt. The rocket/missile went up and fell right back down, exploding. Previous leader Kim-Jong Il, had the scientists killed for "failing to meet the expectations of the dear leader". So if North Korea fails again the rocket could threaten Japan or the Phillipines. The United States is there to help North Korea shoot it down. Just to see North Korea and 'Merica working together is signs that WWIII might not be as close as we thought. Manny Pacquio got knocked out by Juan Manuel Marquez, who cares? It's sad no one cares, boxing used to be popular, now it's like legal non-life threatening WWE. So that ends this blog, go to the Facebook and like it, I know who you are and only 8 people like it. Go there now, do it! Just click that button up there! Look up, and to the left, click it! If you are still reading this that means you either didn't go to the Facebook page or are finishing this post. Yeah, okay BYE!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Yes, it is finally here. My favorite holiday next to Christmas! Yes. I had a great dinner. I bet you can tell by my small figure this is usually the only day I pig out. I had three large strips of turkey. Three scoops of mashed potatoes, two scoops of stuffing, and a muffin roll. Rolls that look like muffins. Plus, two glasses of Dr. Pepper. With my mom, dad, brother, grandma, grandpa, and my 96 year old great-grandma. I have another thanksgiving dinner on Saturday night, with my family from Pennsylvania, in a town called Ligonier, one hour east of Pittsburgh. What did you have for Thanksgiving? Leave your answer in the comments. I also had two pieces of Pumpkin Pie for good measure. I watched the Macy's Parade, and I just have to say. Why has it turned into a Broadway show? The parade itself lasts about an hour and a half. And the Broadway part is like 3 hours! I think they should be seperate on the TV schedule, like it says "Macy's Thanksgiving Day Broadway Performances", and "Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade". Well right now I am watching the Redskins and Cowboys, the Cowboys have staged a comeback from being down 28-3 at the half, to come back to make it 38-28, but with 1:30 left in the game and counting, it looks like the Redskins will pull it out in the end. The Lions and Texans game was good. Closer than I expected. Went about 11:00 into overtime. I thought that the Texans would blow them out. But Arian Foster and Matt Schaub are just to talented, both had okay days. Matthew Stafford had a great day despite losing 34-31 in overtime. And the Jets and Patriots play tonight at 8:30 on NBC. Patriots ought to win this, Tom Brady vs. Mark Sanchez, no contest. Tony Romo and Matthew Stafford each had great days, Romo took 2nd all time most passing yards in NFL Thanksgiving history, and Stafford took 3rd. Plus there is a College game between TCU and Texas. I'm not watching it. And since Ligonier has no internet, I must talk about the game this Saturday, Ohio State and Michigan. Ohio State one of the two unbeatens left, facing the Michigan Wolverines, who have unfortunately returned to National Prominence. Ohio State lead by Braxton Miller, and Michigan lead by DEVIN GARDNER? Yes. Reports are saying that due to the injury to star RB Fitzgerald Toussiant, Denard Robinson will more than likely play RB, and make way for the shockingly great QB Devin Gardner.  Urban Meyer looking to lead Ohio State to their first undefeated season since Jim Tressel's National Championship winning Buckeyes in 2002. I think we can believe in Urban. Ohio State wins 35-20. This is a long blog, mostly because I can't blog again until Sunday, no internet in Ligonier. I will spend my time watching Ohio State and Michigan. Yes they have TV but no internet, but I'm not complaining. Fishing, having another Thanksgiving dinner, and hanging out with my cousins. Below you can see a video hyping up the Ohio State Michigan game. Have fun with it, so bye. If you are reading this straight from the blog page, you have to click on the title to see the video. So, bye.
Well I am sitting in the car all bored on my way to Buffalo Wild Wings, so I decided to post a blog. I was temporarily delayed because of the flu virus I caught last week. Caused me to miss two days of school, then I had to take a math quiz on what I missed. I bombed it. But the good thing is I had an A in that class. So it hopefully won't hurt my grade that bad. So how about the Buckeyes. Undefeated going into the Michigan game. A group of fans started an online petition to get President Obama to pardon the Buckeyes. The petition was removed later on. And the Steelers. I have never blogged about the Steelers, and I'm not going to start, because it would make for one long post. But Buckeye basketball, starting out well. Deshaun Thomas couldn't miss a 15 footer even if you broke his wrists in half. Aaron Craft is finally shooting the ball. So everything is alright in Buckeye Land. Twinkies are gone. By the way, if throughout this blog Twinkies are spelled Twinkles, it is because my iPhone has autocorrect. So Hostess is out of business. Bankrupt, Closed, of the shelves kapeesh. I think people are over reacting about the whole Twinkies thing. I mean there are plenty of Walmart and Little Debbie's rip offs that aren't original, but taste exactly the same. So it is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday next to Christmas. Eating and watching football, can it get any better than that? Well that's it for this blog. I kind of ended abruptly, but I just arrived at BW3s, so bye.
BLOGGING AT 10:00 PM ON A SUNDAY NIGHT BECAUSE WE HAVE A LONG WEEKEND!!! Yes, Long Weekends are awesome. Its an awesome feeling when you get up on Sunday and you can say "I don't have to go to school tomorrow!" Well anyway, my last blog was centered around the Carrier Classic, which holds the record currently for most blogged about topic with a total of 3 BLOGS! Yeah, it got cancelled. Well apparently the people from Walmart who designed the floor weren't smart enough to put the floor on the actual flight deck away from all the water, instead, they put the floor literally 3 inches from the water. Don't worry no one could fall in there was a 5 foot high fence. But the game was about to be tipped off after a 15 minute delay of wiping off the floor. Then the stupid Marquette players started complaining they were slipping, which eventually ended in a one hour delay just to see the game get canceled. And there was another one in Florida, which got cancelled at half time for the same reason. If they do another Carrier Classic next year, it would probably be smart to do it around noon. If not, I'm not watching. But hey, at least we got the Notre Dame Ohio State women's carrier classic in. WOOHOO!!!!!(Imagine I said that sarcastically) No offense to women's college basketball. Anyway, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez split, not going in depth on it, just thought I'd put that out there. And in the NASCAR race today there was a bare knuckle brawl between the pit crews of Clint Bowyer and Jeff Gordon, of which both drivers were also involved. You can see the fight in the YouTube video below. And I just realized I missed the new Family Guy episode tonight, which is why I'm disabling comments so you can't get on here and tell me what happens. You all know who you are. Oh well, maybe I'll check Hulu or some illegal Mexican Websites. So thats it for tonight's blog, Facebook. So, bye.
So tonight is the Carrier Classic from the USS Yorktown of the coast of South Carolina. Between Ohio State and Marquette. I am watching the introductions, and Ohio State is sporting a grey and white camouflage uniform, while Marquette has Dark Blue and light Blue camo. The game is currently being shown on NBC Sports Network. Which is channel 64 for those of you with Suddenlink. I think that it is odd that indoor sports are playing outdoor games. I don't necessarily like outdoor basketball, there are to many factors with the weather. But outdoor hockey is awesome. The NHL has met again, with no agreement. I am watching it right now, and the cameraman dropped the camera on one of the Marquette players. The Navy and Walmart organized this thing. I think this should be a Navy UNIVERSITY thing. Like I know Navy isn't good at basketball, but I think they should be able to play a game on the carrier, even if it isn't televised. But they should be able to experience that after all, THEY GO TO NAVY. Maybe expand the Army Navy rivalry into basketball, through the carrier classic. Well that's it for today's blog, check out Facebook. So, bye.
This is my first blog post of November. I haven't blogged in a while, and have been trying to get back to it. I am thrilled that college basketball starts again tomorrow. Ohio State and Marquette are playing in the Carrier Classic on the USS Yorktown, of the coast of South Carolina in Charleston Harbor. (Atlantic Ocean for those of you who have trouble with geography.) Ohio State and Marquette have both taken big hits to their roster, Ohio State losing All-American Jared Sullinger, and Senior Sharpshooter Guard William Buford. Marquette has lost to All-Americans to the NBA, last year's Big East Player of the year Jae Crowder, and all Big East Guard Darius Johnson-Odom. Ohio State will be lead by Juniors Deshaun Thomas, Lenzelle Smith Jr, and team captain Aaron Craft. All 3 have been crucial parts of the Ohio State Buckeyes basketball team since first setting foot on campus. Marquette will need leadership from Trent Lockett. The Senior who recently transfered from Arizona State. Lockett lead Arizona State in Scoring and Rebounding last year. The Buckeyes will have to keep a close eye on him if they want to win. Marquette will have to shut down Deshaun Thomas' and Lenzelle Smith Jr's shooting ability. It will come down to who can shoot better from the outside, and the far more talented #4 Ohio State Buckeyes will have that edge over the unraked Marquette Golden Eagles. But enough about that, the Presidential Election was Tuesday between President Barack Obama, and Governor Mitt Romney. Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney 301-203. 29 Electoral Votes are still on the board, as Florida hasn't submitted their results, but President Obama is leading in the state. Barack Obama was reelected as our President for his second term. So that concludes todays blog. I will try to blog every day from now on. And this time, I mean it. The new James Bond movie "Skyfall", comes out tomorrow, starring Daniel Craig as 007. There is no school in the Marietta School District next monday due to Veteran's Day. So, bye
The snow advisory for Marietta had been called off. The temperature is a low at 37 degrees. Though it will continue to rain through the night. Short blog congratulations you got two in one day. NBA starts tonight. The Heat got their rings and raised their banner, if you think that they will win another title, comment the word "Hark" below. So bye


    So This is my blog, yeah, enjoy, or don't what do I care

