I didn't blog in January in observance of national bath safety month. More people are hurt in bath tubs than sharks! I am back for the first time in 2013! So what happened since I last blogged in December. Alabama won the National Championship in a landslide over Notre Dame. And Notre Dame's Manti T'eo got trolled my some guy who had a crush on him. And the NHL is back! Yes the NHL is back. Though most of you probably don't care. I am loving this 48 games in 4 months. You turn on TV and there is always a game on. The Penguins aren't off to a good start though. 4-3. Marc Andre Fleury hasn't been good. But newly signed goaltender Tomas Vokoun is on fire. I won't talk about the NHL much, considering you don't watch it. The big issue in the country right now is gun control. I went on an extreme rant about Sandy Hook, but that doesn't mean I want to let Obama take all the guns. I think we should ban most automatic weapons, and limit the magazines. And step up the background check on guns not just on the person buying the gun, but the ones the person buying the gun's family and closest friends. That's just my opinion. Sorry if I offended you. But something needs to be done. For my next topic. I will discuss Super Bowl XLVII. The Harbowl. Ravens vs. 49ers. As a loyal Steelers fan let me tell you my position on this Super Bowl. I don't want the 49ers to win because the Steelers are the only team with 6 Super Bowls, and the 49ers have 5. And I don't want the Ravens to win because I am a Steelers fan, and therefore hate the Ravens. So I am hoping for a 0-0 tie. But I think it will be 28-20 49ers. But I'd rather the Ravens win. So yeah this is a very conflicted Super Bowl for me. But it is pretty cool that John Harbaugh and Jim Harbaugh are coaching against each other. It just makes you wonder like what if one of their very distant relatives were killed before they had children. They wouldn't be alive, who would be the coaches? And, who else famous wouldn't be alive? Just think about that. That's it for this blog. So, bye.
Smelly Poop Tastes Like Lemon Pie
2/24/2013 02:13:42 am

Hockey is stupid.

2/28/2013 03:34:32 am


2/24/2013 07:32:43 am

Go die in a hole

Your Secret Admirer
4/16/2013 05:12:18 am

Wow. That is very interesting. It is just crazy. I read all your blogs. I wish you would blog more. You are my favorite blogger.


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    So This is my blog, yeah, enjoy, or don't what do I care

