So yeah, I started a blog. You said I wouldn't do it, but here I am. HERE I AM. (rock you like a hurricane). The Presidential Debate was Thursday. It frustrated me a whole lot because I wasn't able to watch Modern Family. I mean, why does it have to be on 4 NETWORKS? I understand NBC and FOX, but when did ABC start to care about politics? Sometimes I watch ABC just to get away from all the campaign commercials. I don't care whats on. Jersey Shore could be on for all I care. Well maybe not. And 4 networks really? And since there is usually 2 stations per network around here for different city's news, that means it was on 8 CHANNELS. Not even counting CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, CSPAN2,  and FOX NEWS. Thats 13 channels, wow 13, explains a lot. Come on! I just want to watch Modern Family and go to bed. Speaking of Modern Family, did you see that new show thats after Modern Family, The Neighbors? Awful, just plain Awful. Aliens for neighbors? That sounds like a Dr. Seuss book for crying out loud. I couldn't get through 5 minutes of that god awful show. Remember when Parenthood was funny? It used to be a comedy. Hard to believe. Now it's turning into Secret Life of The American Teenager.  I just try to avoid NBC after 9:00, unless it's Saturday, because then SNL is on. By the way, Daniel Craig is hosting this week. He is the new James Bond. I heard that the new James Bond theme song is from an Adele album. Can Hollywood not come up with any new ideas? I mean they are already remaking James Bond, or it could be a sequel, like Tron Legacy. Everyone thought it was a remake of the original Tron. But it was a sequel. It was a bad sequel, not a bad movie, but a bad sequel. There was no foreshadowing from the first Tron to Tron Legacy. But you have to cut them some slack, considering that Tron Legacy was made 28 years after Tron. But anyway, back to James Bond. They couldn't even write an original theme song? How many Spidermans are we at like 15? And Batman I heard is getting another Trilogy, this time it will have Robin. When was the last time Hollywood got a new fresh idea, man, if it weren't for Pixar, the movie industry would be dead, and we'd all be off playing Call of Duty. Well I guess I should end this rant off. I will try to blog tomorrow, if I remember, so, bye.
10/5/2012 11:02:51 am

Wow Patrick. Wow.

10/6/2012 05:13:33 am

They just need to stop making batman, spiderman, and all of those superhero movies. They SUCK!!!!! And im right wit ya on the presidential debate thing yo. BTW this website is AMAZING and I favorited it yo!!!!!


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    So This is my blog, yeah, enjoy, or don't what do I care

