I wasn't planning on blogging today, but I just thought I would go on a short rant here. Which I love to do if you read this blog a lot. These Political ads. My god. I have been home for 3 hours and have watched TV for probably an hour and a half. I'm half watching the news, and it is ALL POLITICAL ADS. I have only seen one regular ad and it was for the Home Depot, WHICH WE DON'T EVEN HAVE. I understand there is one in Parkersburg, but still. I even saw one on Nickelodeon. Why? Are you seriously going to spend $500,000 on putting an ad on Nickelodeon, that may be viewed by the 5% of american parents who watch TV with their toddlers? And the worst thing is, they are ALL FOR WEST VIRGINIA. I have seen this freakin' Joe Manchin coal friendly commercial 17 times in the last two days. I thought "oh, were close to the Election, most people have decided who they are voting for, this will probably be the end of these ads." BUT NO. I was watching a little part of the news. And the entire commercial break was, Joe Manchin, Josh Mandel, and Barack Obama spent money on closing a coal mine, or Mitt Romney refused to donate money to a Coal Company or whatever. I think like only 10% of Americans are undecided, so can we have 90% less political ads? (Do the math). Well I can't think of anything mean to say anymore. If you want a good laugh, search Tom Hanks drops f bomb on Good Morning America. He just was reciting a line from a movie, and forgot to leave out the f word. That's it for this blog, check out the facebook page by clicking the button in the top left hand corner, if you haven't already, like it. Now, do it now. Yes right now. So, bye.
Seymour Butts
10/19/2012 01:13:29 pm

All of your other blogs have 0 comments. Your blog sucks. But you'll never figure out who I am.

10/22/2012 05:45:58 am

is it HUNTER??????

Patrick Elliott
10/30/2012 09:54:58 am


Patrick Elliott
10/20/2012 01:08:53 am

Thanks for the words of motivation Jacob

10/27/2012 06:02:22 am

HI EVERYBODY!!! Who is Jacob???


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    So This is my blog, yeah, enjoy, or don't what do I care

