So the vice presidential debate is tonight between Congressman Paul Ryan and Vice President Joe Biden. Not as many are to be tuning in to the debate. With good reason. Neither really know what they are doing. Biden is Obama's cooky right wing man who talks to much, and Paul Ryan can't agree with Mitt Romney on anything. All I got to say is, if your watching SNL this weekend, don't be surprised if you see some Paul Ryan and Joe Biden on the new episode this weekend, hosted by Christina Applegate. Anyways. I heard that the SWAT was at Justin Bieber's house after a gunman was spotted outside his home. THE ENTERTAINMENT NEWS REPORTS. The E. Most reliable sources like NBC, say this was part of the practical joke chain called swatting, where a fake SWAT team acts like they are infiltrating your house to arrest you. But unluckily for either the gunman or the SWAT team, Justin Bieber was out on tour. I think I'm going to go with the swatting theory. You'd think that that person would know that Justin Bieber was out on tour. So I usually rant a lot about shows on TV. The full hour of Modern Family was on. Then at 10, I watched this show called Chicago Fire on NBC. You've seen all the networks try to make shows out of Police and Fire departments. But this one was really good. It started out with a fireman climbing a ladder, then going into a burning house and he dies. It then evolved into that fireman's best friend trying to move on. Then this new guy shows up named Alex Mills to take his place. He is the laugh of the station and is thrown under the bus for being the new guy. But then he is the hero of an accident, after he finds and tackles the driver involved in a hit and run. In which a small girl was injured. These two women revived her by clearing blood from around her heart. Then, there is a fire in a warehouse, during which two fireman fall through four stories of the warehouse and land on the bottom floor, one of the fireman, who was the friend of the one who just died earlier, is okay. But the other gets too much smoke in his lungs, and is taken to the hospital, then life-flighted in a helicopter, to a better hospital. The episode ends with that fireman in surgery, and the rest of the station in the waiting room. I give this show 9 out of 10 stars. So yeah, good TV on right now, I never did catch that Animal Practice, and I think it's already been bumped back two time slots, out of primetime. Check out the new Facebook page, by clicking the button in the top left hand corn

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