So you could probably guess if you had to what I am going to blog about based on what is all over the news, Hurricane Sandy. One of the biggest storms of the century, has claimed 29 lives, including 10 in New York City according to mayor Michael Bloomberg. Most of it has passed the seaboard and is moving up through New England. Marietta is experiencing 30 mph winds. We are in the midst of a winter storm that had collided with Hurricane Sandy. The middle of the storm is expected to hit us some time tonight, and possibly may bring 1-3 inches of snow. A national state of emergency has been declared in West Virginia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and more. The wind chill is taking the temperature down at least 5 degrees. Currently at 2:40 PM it is 33 degrees and will stay at 33 and eventually drop below freezing according to the Weather Channel and The National Weather Service. I may blog again later tonight about our position with the winter storm in fall that is approaching, please stay tuned
10/30/2012 05:10:53 am

A very dangerous storm unusual for this
early in the year.


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    So This is my blog, yeah, enjoy, or don't what do I care

