It is Monday. Boy is it a Monday. I have homework in all four academic subjects. I don't understand why we need to have the most homework on Monday? Like we will all be tired from staying up on Saturday like I did when in stayed up until 4:30 AM, and fell asleep while watching Talladega Nights. Why not Wednesday or Thursday? Tuesday we will still be annoyed by Monday, and Friday is Friday. I can't believe the band has already started Christmas music. You know what we need is some Thanksgiving music. All we have is Turkey in the Straw. This is why we jump into Christmas so fast is because Thanksgiving isn't festive enough. We put out an inflatable turkey, eat. AND THE VERY NEXT DAY, go Christmas shopping. It's not that I don't like Christmas, because who doesn't. But I really like thanksgiving. So try to be more festive this Thanksgiving. Maybe we won't have to jump into Christmas so fast like everyone hates. Look at me talk about jumping into holidays to fast when we haven't even hit Haloween. Shame on me. I'm dressing up as an Angry Bird I think. The Humane Society is going to get a lot of stuff from us. I might just bring a leash, and attached to that leash. Would be a stuffed dog, named Bill. Well that's it, check out the blogs Facebook page by clicking the button in the top left hand corner, if you haven't already, LIKE THE DANG PAGE OR I'LL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND CHOKE YOU WITH A HAIRDRYER. So, bye.

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    So This is my blog, yeah, enjoy, or don't what do I care

